Individualised Funding means that you, as a person with a disability, have greater control over who provides your home support, and how and when it is provided. Options for your care range from engaging support workers and planning how to use your supports, to employing your own care providers and managing all aspects of service delivery.
Visionwest & Individualised Funding
Visionwest Home Healthcare is an Individualised Funding host organisation meaning we understand how Individualised Funding works and are approved to provide support through this scheme.
Under the Individualised Funding Scheme, a Visionwest Support Coordinator will discuss your support needs and expectations and help you create a care plan you feel comfortable with and that meets your unique requirements.
We provide home healthcare services in the Auckland region, both on the North Shore and in West Auckland, throughout the Waikato, Rotorua/Lakes District and Bay of Plenty. Our aim is to tailor in-home healthcare to meet individual needs; enabling people to live as independently as possible.
About Individualised Funding
The Benefits of Individualised Funding
The aim of Individualised Funding is to empower the person receiving support enabling you to:
- Have greater input and control into who provides your support and care.
- Have a say in creating your own specific Care Plan.
- Enjoy greater choice and flexibility with your support.
- Manage your own timeframes and schedules.
How Individualised Funding Works
Individualised Funding begins with Te Whata Ora (previously District Health Board (DHB)). Ask your medical provider (e.g., your GP) to arrange a meeting with your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) service. They will complete a Needs Assessment to assess your essential needs and natural supports available to you. If you qualify for Individualised Funding, they will discuss your needs and work with you to develop a Support Plan. Your whānau can have input into this planning stage.
NASC will then inform you of the Host Organisations in your area so you can make a decision on who your care provider will be. Once you have made that decision, your details will be passed onto your chosen Host Organisation.
When your Individualised Funding is set up, you will be allocated a set number of service hours per week. These hours will be identified as Core and Flexi hours and the value of the hours will cover your Support Worker’s hourly rate, any other expenses that you choose, and the services you purchase from your Host Organisation.
There may be other conditions which will be explained to you as part of the assessment process, for instance, you cannot employ a family member who lives in your home as your carer.
Is Individualised Funding for You?
If you can manage your own services or have someone in your support network willing to do so, then Individualised Funding may be right for you.
Talk to your local Needs Assessment and Service Coordination (NASC) service to learn more, contact Visionwest Home Healthcare or phone 0800 222 040.