You have the power to transform lives for years to come
We understand that your loved ones come first and, after providing for them, you can make a lasting impact by supporting Visionwest.
No matter how large or small, a gift in your Will continues to have an impact for good after your lifetime.
You can be assured that, as one of New Zealand’s largest family support charities with a history of over 35 years of serving the community, we will be here to walk alongside whānau for many generations to come.
How to Leave a Gift in Your Will to Visionwest – it’s easy!
We understand that your Will is a very personal matter, and your first priority is to ensure the people you care about are provided for.
When making a new Will, or updating your existing Will, we recommend you get help from a solicitor to ensure it reflects your wishes properly. You can read more about Wills on the Community Law website here.
There are a variety of ways to leave a gift in your Will to Visionwest Community Trust, depending on what suits you best.
The simplest and most effective way is a Residuary Bequest, which is a percentage of what’s left of your estate, after all your loved ones have been taken care of, and any debts have been cleared.
Other ways include:
- Pecuniary Bequest – a gift in your Will of a specific sum of money.
- Specified Bequest – this is where a particular item of value (for example property or stocks and shares) is gifted in your Will.
To make sure the wording in your Will accurately describes your intentions, we recommend discussing with your solicitor about including a clause like this:
I give (a specified share of the residue/or the sum of/or a specified bequest) to Visionwest Community Trust (Visionwest) for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the appointed officer of the Trust shall be full and sufficient discharge for the said legacy. I further declare that if at the date of my death or the date of distribution of my estate, any charity named in my Will does not exist or has amalgamated with another charity or has changed its name, such legacy or residuary gift shall not fail but my trustees shall pay it to the charitable organisation which they consider most nearly fulfils the objects I intended to benefit. |
Adding a Gift in your Will to Visionwest
If you have already made a Will, you can make a simple addition to include Visionwest Community Trust by completing the instructions on our handy Changes To My Will form and taking or sending it to your solicitor or Trust Company.
A gift in your Will can transform lives for years to come
When combined with gifts from other generous people like you, a gift of any size will transform lives and build healthy communities far into the future.
Why choose Visionwest?
Visionwest Community Trust is one of New Zealand’s largest family support charities with a 35-year history of faithfully serving the community by providing practical support that enables individuals and communities to flourish.
We are committed to carefully managing your gift and using it as you intended to ensure it has the greatest impact.
By remembering Visionwest in your Will you will become part of a caring community who share your values and know the power of transformation and hope.

A brighter future for all our children and grandchildren
We can’t know what New Zealand will look like over the next 30 years, or where your generosity will be needed most, but we do know your gift will help vulnerable people reach their full potential by providing pathways out of poverty and disadvantage.
What if I change my mind?
We all know that life is full of change and so your Will might also need to change over time. Often a small update to your Will can be made through a document called a codicil which your solicitor can help with.
What do I do next?
We appreciate leaving a gift to Visionwest Community Trust in your Will is an important decision.
- Talk to your family so they understand your wishes
- Decide if you prefer to leave a percentage of the money that will be left over after your beneficiaries have been taken care (a residuary gift) or a set sum or item (a pecuniary gift)
- Talk to your lawyer and take along Visionwest’s handy Changes to My Will form.
To get in touch, email or phone Jan Avey on 0274 838 921.
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