We provide high quality, supportive housing for whānau who are struggling to find a suitable home.
Visionwest Community Housing addresses the issue of homeless in New Zealand by providing safe, warm, and quality, rental accommodation for low-income families who cannot access Government-supplied accommodation and cannot afford a private rental.

Visionwest DOES NOT provide emergency housing.
If you need immediate assistance with housing for tonight, please contact MSD on 0800 559 009 or call into your closest Work and Income branch office.
More information about Emergency Housing support can be found on the Work and Income website:
Housing Support

Visionwest is a member of the Housing First Auckland collective and committed to ending chronic homelessness in Auckland.
We offer short-term housing, transitional housing, and long-term accommodation in Auckland, and long-term accommodation and transitional housing in Canterbury.
As a Sustaining Tenancies provider, we also work to prevent homelessness by supporting individuals, families and whānau who need help sustain their tenancy and to address issues that might put their tenancy at risk.
The Sustaining Tenancies service is provided throughout West Auckland and Canterbury.