For some years, Visionwest had been considering the establishment of a social supermarket as a means of supporting those who were experiencing food insecurity in a way that preserved each shopper’s dignity and mana. As part of the preparation for this, we commissioned a feasibility study that appraised existing social supermarkets in New Zealand and the UK with a view to determining the optimal means of service delivery.
Recognising the uniqueness of many aspects of Kiwi life, the report includes a section on Kaupapa Māori models and kai support.
The outcome of the report is that Visionwest has since opened Manaaki Kai, a social supermarket supporting over 100 whānau per week with food and appropriate wraparound supports.
We hope this report will reveal some of the realities surrounding food insecurity in Aotearoa New Zealand and, most of all, might encourage other organisations to consider this avenue for support those who are experiencing tough times in relation to kai.