Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga story
Creating pathways for vulnerable whānau to rise out of poverty, isolation, homelessness, and joblessness by providing comprehensive wraparound services.
Our team supports children, young people, families, people with disabilities and the elderly with an unwavering hope for a better tomorrow.
Our name is
Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga

The Waka is about a journey together. One that acknowledges our past and looks forward to the future. Whakakitenga speaks about God-given insight; the importance of a developing vision that is larger than any of us but includes all of us. Together Waka Whakakitenga reminds us that we are a team of faith-led people on a mission to bring hope and transformation.
Our vision is
Transformed Lives, Healthy Communities – He Oranga Tangata, He Oranga Hapori

We journey alongside individuals and families and are active in the transformation work that enriches their lives; work which ultimately leads to healthier and more connected communities.
Our mission is
Building Hope Together – Kia Tūmanakotia

Based on the word, tūmanakotia – to hope for or to desire – Kia Tūmanakotia conveys the reality that Building Hope Together is an ongoing action that results in changed lives.
Our values define how we treat those we support and walk alongside
We are compassionate, empathetic and loving in our actions.
We uphold and respect the dignity and unique identity of each individual.
We demonstrate kindness, hospitality and generosity to all.
We are committed to creating authentic relationships, connections and a place of belonging.
Our logo is a koru
Kaupapa Māori
Since the establishment of Visionwest, a significant proportion of those seeking support have been whānau Māori. With this in mind, we have sought to understand and work towards developing a Kaupapa Māori framework, “Pou Whakakitenga” to guide the delivery of all support services. It’s a relational framework focused on enhancing the wellbeing outcomes for Māori while remaining applicable for all ethnicities.
Our Kaupapa Māori framework consist of four key pou (posts):
Wairua (Spiritual).
Hauora (Health/Wellness).
Mātauranga (Indigenous Knowledge).
Tikanga (Traditional Customs and Processes).
While seeking to embed Kaupapa Māori principles in the way all Visionwest services are delivered, we also have services that are specifically Kaupapa Māori, delivered by Māori and for Māori.
We are faith-led
Visionwest was founded by the Glen Eden Baptist Church (GEBC) and today the church and Trust remain steadfast in our efforts to work together in the community. Since our early beginnings, each act of service has been informed by the faith ethic that underpins all we do. A faith personified by the commitment to love and serve those in greatest need. Further to this, we believe that each compassionate act is a demonstration of God’s aroha and rangimarie.
Where we’ve come from
Throughout our history, two attitudes have provided a foundation to the work of the Trust – a willingness to innovate and grow to meet emerging needs, and a steadfast commitment to upholding the mana of every individual we support and employ. It’s these attitudes that continue to steer the Trust and propel it forward as we build hope together in the communities we serve.
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