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The Whanau Centre – an overview with Josh Philips

The Whanau Centre – an overview with Josh Philips

The Whanau Centre at VisionWest is the natural outcome of realising two key ideas. One was that the majority of clients being seen by VisionWest staff were either Maori or Pasifika, and it therefore made sense to provide an overarching environment...

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VisionWest – Responding to Real Needs

VisionWest – Responding to Real Needs

“The dream that’s driving VisionWest is the same as it’s always been – it was birthed out of a desire by a church to respond to the real needs in their community. That’s what drove us to set up our very first enterprise all those years ago – a...

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What in the world is a Whanau Centre?

What in the world is a Whanau Centre?

In late 2014, VisionWest embarked upon a journey to better understand what it is to truly partner with our tangata whenua - our people of the land. From the Board Chair, to the CEO to our On-the-Ground service providers, we asked the question of...

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