It takes a community to help a community The Auckland Anniversary Weekend (27 January 2023) weather flood event was unlike any before it. The storm’s ferocity and the volume of rainfall took the city by surprise and had a devastating impact on Te...
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Short Distance | Long Journey – Walter’s Housing Story
Walter was born a stone’s throw away from the Visionwest house he now lives in, the journey from his boyhood home to this one has not been easy, but it has brought a true life-transformation. “It’s been a long journey for me,” says Walter. Sitting...
Shannon’s Food Support Lifeline
Shannon* had been receiving food parcels from Visionwest’s Pātaka Kai to help her through a really tough time. Shannon is a single mum who, whilst looking for work, found herself struggling to make ends meet. Rising living costs and increasing rent...
Jody’s Story – Community Connection
Jody* is too unwell and vulnerable to work but in order to access the government support she needs, she had to complete an online application form. For Jody this was a major barrier. She doesn’t own a computer and has no idea what an online form...
Spiritual Wellbeing Matters Too
Tony Dye says chaplaincy is not just an add-on concept. It’s considered to be integral to the services offered at VisionWest. "Everyone here's a minister, but I get to be a bit more upfront in matters of faith." As part of programmes like the...