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Sam and Lydia’s Story – Childcare and so much more

Sam and Lydia’s Story – Childcare and so much more

Lydia’s offer of a relief teaching role at Eden Cottage came at the perfect time for her family (husband Samuel and their two children). Not only did she have a job, the whānau also received invaluable help from Visionwest during a time of need....

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Amo’s Story – Back on Track

Amo’s Story – Back on Track

Amo was 18 years old with a thriving beauty business; life was going well for her when one change in circumstance brought things crashing down. Fortunately, her sister knew about Visionwest and suggested Amo give us a call. Amo contacts Visionwest...

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Cassie’s Story – From Homelessness to Whare Hiwa

Cassie’s Story – From Homelessness to Whare Hiwa

Cassie* was just 17 years old when she was forced to leave home following a breakdown in household relationships made it unsafe to remain there. After spending time couch surfing and living on the streets, a school counsellor suggested she contact...

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7 Steps to Managing your Personal Finances

7 Steps to Managing your Personal Finances

The process of getting yourself to a place where you feel in control of your money can feel intimidating, especially if you are currently finding things tough going financially. But to work towards being in a place where you are managing your...

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5 Myths about Foodbanks and Who’s Asking for Food Support

5 Myths about Foodbanks and Who’s Asking for Food Support

As providers of food support in our local community, one question we’re frequently asked is, “Are foodbanks really necessary?” For some people the question is a legitimate request to understand the needs of others. For others the question hides an...

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