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National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week

Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu. National Volunteer Week – June 20 – 26. It’s estimated that 1.2 million people put in volunteer hours to support local charities, groups and organisations throughout Aotearoa. As part of National Volunteer Week, we want to...

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Simon’s Housing Story

Simon’s Housing Story

“It was like a big blanket washed over me…” Through no fault of his own, Simon (not his real name) became a part of New Zealand’s homelessness statistics. Leaving behind a successful business, he moved to Christchurch to become caregiver to his...

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Visionwest Response to Budget 2021

Visionwest Response to Budget 2021

Visionwest Response to Budget 2021. On May 20th, the Government released its 2021 Budget which included a number of initiatives to help vulnerable whānau as we seek to recover from the effects of COVID and its financial ramifications which have...

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Building is a blessing to the community

Building is a blessing to the community

Visionwest has purchased the vacant Salvation Army church building at 275 Glengarry Road, Glen Eden to cope with growth on its Glendale Rd site. On Wednesday, April 21st, a number of representatives from Visionwest, the Salvation Army and Glen Eden...

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Hine’s Housing Story

Hine’s Housing Story

As an 18-year-old, Hine was living on the street. Three years later, she is securely housed in an immaculately kept West Auckland flat managed by Visionwest. Friendly and articulate, she says her biggest goal is finding a regular job and, one day,...

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Housing Crisis – it may be worse than you think

Housing Crisis – it may be worse than you think

An article last week (Feb 18, 2021) from Checkpoint reporter Nita Blake-Persen, detailed some startling figures relating to the ongoing housing crisis in New Zealand: There are now more than 4,000 children growing up in motels across New Zealand....

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Answering the need of food insecurity

Answering the need of food insecurity

Pātaka Kai staff knew the demand for food would be huge, and it was – a substantial 45% greater than normal. Something had to give and, with seriously depleted food stocks, Visionwest has had to initiate an emergency food appeal. Each time a COVID...

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Easing the space challenge

Easing the space challenge

Because of an increasing demand for support services and the provision of new help for whānau who are struggling, Visionwest has outgrown its Glendale Rd site. Thankfully, the perfect opportunity for coping with this growth presented itself when...

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Book Launch – 30 Years of Community Service

Book Launch – 30 Years of Community Service

On November 18, 2020, thirty years of community service were celebrated with a VIP Morning Tea and Book Launch held in the Glen Eden Baptist Church (GEBC) café. The book, titled Building Hope Together, is a picture-rich historical record of the...

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COVID Revisited – Need, Isolation and Hope

COVID Revisited – Need, Isolation and Hope

Last week Brook Turner, VisionWest Community Trust’s Head of Services Development and Partnerships, was interviewed on Rhema. The following blog was written using information from that interview. In it, Brook explains about COVID stress and the...

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