Independence is highly prized by us all. As we age it is something we want to maintain as long as possible. Our Homecare service supports thousands of elderly, enabling them to remain in the home they love, in the community they know.
Fred, one of the people we support, expressed his thoughts on the value of this assistance through a delightful poem.
Because of all my aches and pains
and limbs that crack and creak
the DHB have granted me
three hours of help a week.
Now VisionWest supplies the folk
that come and care for me
and they prepare the vegies
and never charge a fee.
For many months, perhaps a year
the same ones cared for me
helping with the cleaning
and even making tea.
While hard at work she’ll sometimes sing
and this will lift my spirits
far better for me don’t you think
than psychiatric visits.
Soon I’ll have to leave this place
and go into a home
For I am getting older
can’t manage here alone.
I’ll soon make friends I’m sure of that
but memories will pass
But not of that young lady
who used to make me laugh.