The increased number of whānau accessing the services of Visionwest, coupled with the ongoing negative economic effects of COVID have led to unprecedented demand on our Budgeting Service – in fact, we’ve had to stop taking on new clients for three weeks to catch up.
But now, we have a solution.
Thanks, in part, to the regular donations of supporters like you, we are in the position to be able to recruit two new financial mentors. This will hugely increase our capacity to help people escape debt and enable stability within many areas of their life.
Last year, in response to financial hardship, we delivered 1,178 financial mentoring sessions to 423 clients. The average debt of these clients was $27,000. Most clients have been able to greatly reduce – or even pay off – their debt. Many are debt free for the first time in years.
None of this would be possible without your ongoing support. Thank you for giving the priceless gift of financial freedom to so many.
Click here to find out more about Money Mentors, Visionwest’s budgeting service.