Te Wiki Tūao ā-Motu. National Volunteer Week – June 20 – 26.
It’s estimated that 1.2 million people put in volunteer hours to support local charities, groups and organisations throughout Aotearoa. As part of National Volunteer Week, we want to honour those who give freely of their time and energy to Visionwest – these people are amazing, and we could not do all we do without their help.
Some of our volunteers are on site for many hours every week, most of them helping out at the Pātaka Kai where 825 parcels, feeding about 3,000 people, are packed and given away each month.
While some are new to Visionwest, others have been volunteering for many years; Margaret for 29 and Nettie and Astrid for over 30 years each – that’s almost a century of volunteering between them.
On June 26, 2021, a lunch was held to honour those who volunteer at our Glen Eden campus. Arvind Dayal, our Board Chairperson, spoke of the importance of these incredible people which goes beyond the physical help they give. “You are the part of the Visionwest family that our whānau sees. It’s your kindness they experience and your kind words they hear.”
A big thanks to everyone who gives time and energy to Visionwest and the vulnerable in our communities – you play a pivotal role on the pathway to life transformation that our whānau are walking.
CLICK HERE if you’d like to find out more about volunteering at Visionwest.