Our Mātanga Oranga Trauma Specialist provides Māori-informed and Māori-based specialised counselling and care for West Auckland whānau who are struggling with intergenerational abuse and trauma, and extreme histories of whānau and gang violence.
Based on sound Kaupapa Māori principles, Mātanga Oranga supports whānau who may otherwise struggle to engage with service supports specific to their trauma histories.

Personalised, Holistic Care
– for Whānau
Our Mātanga Oranga Trauma specialist brings extensive experience in delivering programmes leading to long-term transformation for whānau who are referred to us, particularly Māori.
A key feature of our Trauma-Informed Care and development is our commitment to whakawhānaungatanga, connecting to the wairua or spirit of each individual’s unique story. This enables us to connect, listen and tailor the support to the specific needs of each whānau who seeks support from us.
Engagement with wairuatanga or spirituality is a vital part of the connecting and healing which is also designed for healing of wairua (spirit) and creating opportunities for self-expression through cultural identity, working in groups and being creative such as using the environment, waiata (song), karakia and other tikanga Māori methods.

The rising need for support of this kind means our Mātanga Oranga Trauma-Informed Care service is growing in demand.
At its heart is the desire for personal wellness within our whānau. Other practical results include rewards that have a positive influence on this and future generations. These include:
- Receiving children back from Oranga Tamariki.
- Personal self-understanding and awareness.
- An increased capacity to make better choices for themselves and their whānau.
- The breaking of cycles of intergenerational trauma, poverty, addictions, and isolation.
- A reconnecting with the education system and ability to focus on self-determined futures.
- Recognition from other key government agencies and service providers as they request for our support for their whānau.
Our trauma specialists are highly qualified, trained, and experienced in supporting those with backgrounds of abuse and trauma and guiding them along the pathway to wholeness.
Mana Tiaki
Upholding the mana of our elders
Mana Tiaki exists to uphold the mana of the elderly by providing support to Māori, Pasefika and ethnic kaumātua and kuia who are experiencing, or at risk of, elder abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
At Mana Tiaki we work with elders experiencing all types of abuse, including: physical, financial, verbal, psychological, sexual, institutional and neglect.
Whether you are in need yourself or a concerned family member, our compassionate professional team is here to help. We provide support, resources, and a safe space to voice your concerns.