Confidential and compassionate support for kaumātua and kuia who are experiencing, or at risk of, elder abuse.
Kua hanga e te hunga o neherā, ngā rā e koa ai mātou ināianei.
Those who have gone before, have created the days we now enjoy.
Mana Tiaki
Mana Tiaki exists to uphold the mana of the elderly by providing support to Māori, Pasefika and ethnic kaumātua and kuia who are experiencing, or at risk of, elder abuse, mistreatment or neglect.
We offer a range of supports including:
- Advocacy and intervention.
- Wraparound support services (incl. housing, budgeting, kai).
- Confidential counselling.

Advocacy and intervention
At Mana Tiaki we work with elders experiencing all types of abuse, including: physical, financial, verbal, psychological, sexual, institutional and neglect.
Whether you are in need yourself or a concerned family member, our compassionate professional team is here to help. We provide support, resources, and a safe space to voice your concerns.

Mana Tiaki is a therapy-based service offering advocacy and support within a kaupapa Māori framework. Provided by Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga and supported by MSD’s Elder Abuse Response Service (EARS).
Mana Tiaki is supported by our Mātanga Oranga Trauma-Informed Care service. Our trauma specialists are highly qualified, trained, and experienced in supporting those with backgrounds of abuse and trauma and guiding them along the pathway to wholeness.
Click here for more information on Mātanga Oranga.