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Blake’s Housing Story – A Life Back on Track

Blake’s Housing Story – A Life Back on Track

Blake’s housing story with Visionwest began when he saw his lifestyle reflected in the hurt on the faces of his children and saw how the way he lived was affecting their behaviour and health, he knew something needed to change. For such a long time...

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Support When It Was Most Needed

Support When It Was Most Needed

For years Gwenda and Robin lived on a farm just out of Westport. Then Robin was diagnosed with a serious illness which meant they needed to relocate to Christchurch to be closer to family and the medical services that Robin would need. As Gwenda...

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Violet’s Story – Housing Out West

Violet’s Story – Housing Out West

“If I knew someone who was struggling in anyway, especially with housing, I’d say, ‘Contact Visionwest, they’ll help you out,’ because, if it wasn’t for Visionwest, I’d still be homeless. Probably staying with my daughter or at someone else’s...

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Ruci’s Housing Story – More Than Just a Roof

Ruci’s Housing Story – More Than Just a Roof

When we moved into our Visionwest housing, we felt so grateful. After five years of marriage, it was the first time we had ever been able to be together alone. I was so happy, I cried. Ruci and her family had been living in a three-bedroom house...

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Esera’s Story – More than housing the homeless

Esera’s Story – More than housing the homeless

When Esera opened his home to a man who had no place to stay, he also had his eyes opened to the many people in our community who are experiencing homelessness. As he explains: “I brought this man down to Visionwest so he could get some food and,...

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Andrea’s Housing Story – Hope for the Future

Andrea’s Housing Story – Hope for the Future

What makes all the difference with Visionwest is the wraparound services that are provided. If a housing tenant needs budgeting, they can get budgeting, if they need food, there’s food support available, same with counselling. Everything you need...

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Angiline’s Story – Life under the Visionwest Umbrella

Angiline’s Story – Life under the Visionwest Umbrella

“Visionwest is like an umbrella for me. When a storm comes along, Visionwest is there. If I need someone to talk to, Visionwest is there. If I have a question or have any problems, my Visionwest support navigator is there ... one of my goals is to...

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23 new homes = 23 whānau housed

23 new homes = 23 whānau housed

23 new homes means 23 whānau who have been struggling to find a place to live will now have a warm, dry and safe home while they look for longer term housing. On Friday February 25th, a small group from Visionwest Waka Whakakitenga gathered for a...

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